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Axiom Verge Review: A Love Letter to Classic 2D Metroid Design, For Better and For Worse

Axiom Verge brings some of the best of what the Metroidvania genre has to offer: satisfying exploration, tons of collectibles, and an immersive world dripping with atmosphere. Unfortunately, Axiom Verge also brings with it some clunky combat mechanics and an inability to implement all of its tools as effectively as other standouts in this genre. But its weaknesses shouldn’t take away from what Axiom Verge is - a satisfying, intriguing adventure that is enhanced by its excellently realized world and intelligent story.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and the Power of Side Content

Whenever we judge any kind of experience - a movie, for example - we judge its value off of the core experience of watching that film, but with video games, it’s not as easy to do so. While many certainly do judge a game purely off of what it offers in its core gameplay (i.e. the story in a narrative-driven game, a combat system in an RPG, etc.), the side content of a game is something that I feel deserves more attention and credit. And when side content is delivered in a way that is as well-executed as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s offerings, it’s hard not to stop and appreciate the smaller, side-experiences that help elevate a good game into a phenomenal one.