All in Game Review

Collection of Mana Review: Mixed Assortment of Action RPGs Shows Glimpses of Franchise Potential

Collection of Mana is a tough sell, given that two of its three games are disappointing messes in my mind. However, I do find it to be worthwhile peek into the series, especially for new fans introduced through the series’ more modern titles. In light of the frustration that I shouldered throughout my time with Secret and Trials of Mana, the optimist within me sees the potential that his collection occasionally gives players glimpses of.

Sonic X Shadow Generations Review: A Solid Celebration of the Old and Promise of the New

Sonic X Shadow Generations is a remarkable blend of past, present, and future. Sonic Generations reminds us of the legacy of this long-running platformer franchise and the many peaks and valleys its run through over that time. Shadow Generations is an indicator of the progress that Sonic Team has made over the last decade and is a great representation of what polished Sonic gameplay can and should be moving forward.

Persona 3 Reload Review: Style, Substance, and Synergy

Persona 3 Reload doesn’t need to exist, but I’m glad that it does. This remake is a case of refinement over reinvention - aside from a fresh coat of paint and a couple additions here and there, Reload is ultimately concerned with presenting Persona 3 in a way that’s on par with Atlus’ more recent titles. In that context, Reload is as great of an execution of this mission as you can get.

Yakuza 4 Review: An Insightful Examination of Loyalty in a Leap Forward for the Series

Yakuza 4 is a textbook example of what a sequel should be - it takes the foundation of what the previous game established and builds upon and improves what was there. Yakuza 4 simply feels a lot more fun to play and tells a story that, through its more stylized structure, is one that feels more dramatic, emotional, and impactful. While it still doesn’t quite reach the heights of later entries, Yakuza 4 is clearly a stepping stone that transitions the series from an awkward, transitionary phase to a greater, more polished experience.

NieR Replicant Review: Ambitious Storytelling Excellence Marred by Underwhelming, Frustrating Design

Many people love NieR Replicant because of its ambition, unconventional approach to gameplay and storytelling, and such ambition is admittedly alluring. While it doesn’t shield my eyes from the clear issues that hold the game back from true greatness, I still feel that NieR Replicant is a game that deserves to be experienced, if only to get more people thinking about how games can continue to telling captivating stories only capable through the medium of video games.

Grandia Review: A Whimsical JRPG that Captures the Spirit of Adventure

Especially in an era where RPGs are leaning towards telling more complex, adult stories, it was incredibly refreshing to visit the world of Grandia. The battle mechanics are satisfying and strategic, but the true magic of Grandia lies in its ostensible charm in its storytelling, worldbuilding, and characters. Grandia invites players to give in to their natural senses of adventure, wonder, and curiosity, and it gloriously succeeds in doing so.

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Review - A Thrilling, Mysterious Action RPG Worth Uncovering

Ys IX is an Action RPG that I can easily recommend to just about anyone interested in the genre, as it effectively nails almost everything it tries to do. From the game’s fast-paced, exciting combat that has a high skill ceiling for players to master to the game’s wonderfully told story and its engaging, rewarding side content, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox stands as one of the genuinely best Action RPGs in recent memory.

Cyberpunk 2077 Review: A Solid RPG Filled with Impressive Bright Spots and Impossible-to-Ignore Faults

Recommending Cyberpunk 2077 is tricky. While it has some significant issues in its gameplay and content, I truly feel that it’s worth experiencing just for the story missions that exemplify some of the best storytelling and worldbuilding that the cyberpunk genre has to offer. It’s truly rare to see a game that so well realizes its story, characters, lore, and world. It’s just a shame that so many gameplay systems and mechanics aren’t nearly as well-realized.

Axiom Verge Review: A Love Letter to Classic 2D Metroid Design, For Better and For Worse

Axiom Verge brings some of the best of what the Metroidvania genre has to offer: satisfying exploration, tons of collectibles, and an immersive world dripping with atmosphere. Unfortunately, Axiom Verge also brings with it some clunky combat mechanics and an inability to implement all of its tools as effectively as other standouts in this genre. But its weaknesses shouldn’t take away from what Axiom Verge is - a satisfying, intriguing adventure that is enhanced by its excellently realized world and intelligent story.