All tagged movie

Why "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" Was the Best Animated Film of 2018

What makes Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse so special to me is that a begets its audience to rethink what animation is capable of. This film could have easily adopted a live-action counterpart, or used a more traditional CG art style - but it didn’t. Why was this? Why, in this instance, did Sony choose to take a riskier and more stylistic approach when a safer, more often-used presentation would have been easier (and likely more profitable)? The answer to that…is passion.

"Widows" and the Decay of Love | Movie Review

Widows - while certainly having some excellently realized commentary on modern western culture and the increasing spread of apathy - doesn’t manage to do much you haven’t seen before in a heist film […] It’s certainly flawed, but it’s clear that this film was a product of smart and lovingly-crafted writing and direction, which alone makes it worth a watch.

"Venom" Review | The Shackles of Corporate Mediocrity

With a screenplay that feels awkward and tonally confused, performances that either feel miscast or missing strong characterization, and a structure that feels both formulaic and dated, Venom is a corporate, mediocre mess. Given the plethora of comic-book-to-film adaptations we’ve seen this decade, there are many, many better ways to spend your time if you’re looking for an enjoyable comic book adaptation.

The Identity Crisis of "Fireworks" | Movie Review

Fireworks is convinced that it's an intelligent, admirable film because it looks and sounds like one on the surface. Beyond that brittle surface, however, is a film doesn't actually do anything to earn that status. Fireworks boasts two leads that feel radically underdeveloped, and yet it still expects you to care about their relationship, even though you have no idea what would make them compatible with each other, all leading into a third act that entirely rings hollow.